Thu 02 Jan
$$80$$80$$ *SpEciAL* BrAiNs, BeAuTy with a Smoking hot BODY! - 19
(Orlando, CONROy/MiLLENiA MAll upscale)
☆ 60 specials ★ Snowbunny ☆ Always Available ★☆50 specials ☆ Fun & Freaky ♡ 100 specials ☆ - 22
(Orlando, lb mcleod & john young !)
$60sp new girl in town ♥ [Hot & Sexy] Cali $60sp - 21
(Orlando, lee road, orlando,altamonte,winterpark)
_ $ 1OO $ _°_ SeXy __ $ 1OO $ _°_ SeXy __ $ 1OO $ _°_ SeXy __ $ 1OO $ _°_ SeXy _ - 22
60sp✋❌ШѦTcH Me Sq uir tz💦♡ρυRε Sp LaShiNq ρℓ℮αδυRε♡☆💕💋🚨⇛DeEpp THROAT⇚👄💋Tii qhT Ho Lee - 22
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa / Midland Incalls Only)
😘😘😘Hot Suga Babe 💍💎💍💎Looking for a Sugar Daddy💍💎💍💎💍 - 22
(District Of Columbia, Northern Virginia, Washington, Nova)
~*~we have a new girl~*~ ,beautiful and sexy *new* in town - 22
(Northern Virginia, Chantilly/sterling /dulles airport)
SMOKIN' HoT [✔] EXotIC [✔] [✔] VerY ADDICTivE [✔] ToP NotcH PLEASER - 24
(Northern Virginia, Fairfax, Virginia)
★ •____ Hot, Sexy, Asian Girl Massage & Good Time ____ • ★ _. - - 25
(North Jersey, Monroe St, Passaic—★—973-773-0202)
Super 🔥🇩🇴💃 your new playmate 😘😍⭐👙👅 - 24
(: Clifton, Hoboken / Union City, North J, North Jersey, Paterson)
X^X^X Adult Film Star ( Ch3rry Bl0ssoms ) YES it is really me !! - 25
(North Jersey, McCarter Hwy 21)
White 🍫Chocolate Booty🍓 Taste like Candy🍬let me suck your🍭 Incalls💞 Nasty Blonde - 21
(incall Belleville, North Jersey)
* 'Two SExy' * 'Two Fine' * 'Two HOt' * 'Two Handle' TWO GIRL SPECIALS ALL NIGHT
(newark int./elizabeth)
S E X Y** E X O T I C **B E A U T I F U L**C O L L E G E **CUTIE* - 22
(North Jersey, Meadowlands)
Where Do You Go When Your Wife Says No? Let Me Satisfy Those Urges for You! ;) - 19
(Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Little Rock, 10 minutes away)
◆ ◇ ◆ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ P R E T T Y • F A C E ◆ P E R F E C T • B O D Y ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬◆ ◇ ♥☏ CALL NOW - 21
(North Jersey, RAMSEY / MAHWAH / RT 17 INN)
UP CAN'T Sleep when is all over you will be over sleepy super freak up - 24
(Little Rock, incalls-out-upscale)
*•-:¦:-•* Sexy Seductive R3D H3AD *•-:¦:-•* Incall $P3CIAL$ AVAILABLE NOW!*•-:¦:-•* - 29
NeW nEw ! §oF ® OunD bOUNcY ŧ§ ! -:¦:- TaStY vAniLLa TREaT * [[THiCK CuRVy CAUCASiAN CuTiE!]] - 21
*☆ (NEW) Mixxed Colombian/ Caucasian Princess ♛ ♛♥ SPECIALS!! - 24
(North Jersey, NORTH and CENTRL JERSEY)
°°•★•°°NEW GiRL SPECiAL °°•★•°° SWEET ;; A REAL CUTiE ;; FUN - 20
(North Jersey, Fairfield to Dover Incall/Local Outcalls)
NEW PiCS📷 fEtiSh&fANtASY; fREAk🆙👅😋✔️ lEAViNG 🔜 - 23
(Little Rock, Nlr lr Sherwood Cabot Beebe maumelle etc)
No Lie They All Say Its RiGhT >> & jUiCy >> Cold Outside Im Warm Inside 1000% all REAL - 21
(Little Rock, north little rock)
Juicy Booty fREAky Treat >> Upsclae Fun * Come taste my Chocolate Kisses.. - 23
(Little Rock, incalls/outcalls)
Intoxicating Beauty, Classy, And Here To Take you Away!! Early Birds!!!! Welcome !! - 24
(nation wide)
hOT SPRINGS Bound & S100% Real & Legit, Reviewed & Respected (Jasmine) - 23
(Good ol Hot Springs of course :), Little Rock)
I'll be y0ur SUPER WOMAN... As s00n aS y0μ get heRe... LAte n¡ght sPec¡aL! - 24
(Hoboken / Union City, Meadowlands🎀seecaucus🎀incall🎀🎀, North Jersey)
✔️Come see one of us 3! 💙 Located in HOT SPRINGS…will travel anywhere as well! Clean,safe & discreet - 25
(Hot Springs, Benton, Lr, NLR, Little Rock)
60l°o♥BUBBLE BOOTY ♥o°• CALi QUEEN • °o♥o°• •°°• - 22
(Little Rock, HotSprings, Bryant, LittleRock,Benton)
Hey! I Got Big ( . )( . )'s Cute Face Small In The Waist & a Little Apple Bottom Baby! - 24
(North jerzey)
DEBY ~~~~ BLONDE ~~ BRASILIAN ~~ NEW ~~ ÑATURALL DD''S 973 272 5685 - 32
__DO NOT CALL FAKE GIRLS ____ 100% REAL PIX ____ BeAuTiFuL _____ BrAzILiAn _BLOND_ - 23
(North Jersey)
----- (( CuRvY bLoNdE)) -- AIR -- CONDITIONED -- ROOM -- ((InCaLL SpeCiaLs)) -----
(Secaucus/Meadowland Incalls Anytime)
====► DDD a n g e r o u s l y . . . aDDD i c t i v e... BuSTY ALL NATURAL BLonDE !!!!!! - 24
❤▂▃▉ Brunet HOT YOUNG PRINCESS Babe ❤▂▃▉ Best in Twn! ❤▂▃ SEXY Special ! ❤❤ CALL m - 22
** -- ** BREATHTAKING ItALiAn BOMBSHELL .... PeRfEcT FiGuRe, HaZel EyeS, SwEeT SmiLe ** -- ** - 22
(Parsippany/Route 46- Incall)
****2 Girls are ALWAYS better then 1**** Party Girls Party Girls ( outcall only we come to you) - 23
(Hoboken / Union City, HOBOKEN AND UNION CITY, North Jersey)
💋130 ★) 2 girl SPECIAL ★) Individual girls ★) StOP HeRe NoW ★) -203-826-3845 - INCALLS - - - 52